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For the Connoisseur
  • If the only rose you've ever tried is White Zinfandel, you're missing out on a world full of excellent wines. There's a lot of variation when it comes to rose wine, so no matter what your tastes, you're sure to find something that's up your alley. Rose can be sweet or dry, one-note or complex, flat or bubbly. In fact, some of the best Champagnes are roses made from Pinot Noir grapes. Rose can be made in a number of different ways, but the vast majority of best rose wine in 2022 is made from 100% red wine grapes. Rose wine is sometimes made by fermenting the wine on the skins for anywhere from a day to a couple of weeks to get its color. Once the correct color is achieved, it’s taken off the skins so that it doesn't turn into red wine. Alternatively, rose can be "bled" from red wines by siphoning off the lighter wine at the top of the fermentation vat. Finally, rose can be produced by blending white and red wines, though this method isn't commonly used and produces inferior quality wine. Though California White Zinfandel is the most popular style of rose in the New World, rose is also commonly enjoyed in France. French roses are usually dry and floral and are very popular in the summer months. Of course, rose is made wherever winemakers put down roots from Spain to South Africa to New Zealand. With so many different rose wines to try, this is one style that definitely worth trying.
    February 03, 2016
  • Made from a flavorful green grape that packs a punch, chardonnay is one of the world's favorite white wines. chardonnay grapes are grown all over the world, though they were first cultivated in the Burgundy region of France. Though they reached the peak of their popularity at the end of the 20th century, there are still more acres devoted to this chardonnay than any other white wine grape. Though its popularity has made it unchic in some circles, there are so many ways to style chardonnay that most people who claim to dislike it would probably appreciate at least one of its incarnations.Since it's a relatively hardy varietal, chardonnay can be grown in many different regions. Depending on the weather and the quality of the soil, wine made from these grapes can show flavors of apple, pineapple, ripe fruit, or vanilla. There are several ways to style chardonnay wines. These wines can be aged in oak and finished with malolactic fermentation, resulting in the big oak and butter flavors frequently seen in California chardonnays. Alternatively, they can be aged in steel, a fermentation technique that allows the green apple tartness of the grapes to shine through. In Champagne, France, chardonnay grapes are also the only grape that can be used to make blanc de blanc Champagne.No matter what you need it for, our list of chardonnays will help you out; check out the below buying guide to teach yourself more about wine, too!
    February 03, 2016
  • Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply looking for an intriguing wine to go with a seafood dish, a sparkling wine is a great choice. Sparkling wines are made all over the world, including Australia, South Africa, the United States, Italy, Spain, and France. There are a number of different types of sparkling wine. Prosecco is an Italian wine made from Glera grapes. This wine is carbonated in large steel vats and designed to be enjoyed soon after bottling. Cava, a Spanish sparkling wine, is made from any number of classic Spanish grapes. This wine is bottle fermented and can be aged in the cellar for a number of years. Finally, there are Champagne-style sparkling wines. These commonly made around the world and make use of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier, the three grape varietals that grow in Champagne, France. These wines are also bottle fermented and most are aged for at least a few years before they're ready to enjoy.The techniques of bottle fermenting were perfected in Champagne, France, which is why many people call any sparkling wine a "champagne." Technically, only wines that come from this region are allowed to use the name Champagne, though the vast majority of sparkling wines are made in the Champagne-style. Since there is live yeast in the bottle, these wines have a toasty aroma.When shopping for a sparkling wine, you may notice that these wines are organized by the level of residual sugar. Dry, extra-dry, and brut are the three most common sugar levels, with dry being the sweetest, and Brut being the driest. Less commonly, you may find wines labeled extra brut and brut nature, which are extremely dry, and demi-sec and doux, which signify sweeter wines.Finally, sparkling wines will be labeled with either the year harvested or the letters NV, which stands for Non-Vintage. Non-Vintage wines are blended from wines from a number of different harvests taken over a number of different years. They tend to be less expensive and more consistent than vintage wines though they are rarely as complex as a good vintage wine. When selecting a vintage wine, you'll want to make sure that the year was a good one for the grapes. Vintage wines are usually more expensive but are excellent when made in good years.For more information on what to look at in selecting the best sparkling wine in 2022, We have listed below the sparkling wines available for you to help you decide what product is best to buy.
    February 03, 2016
  • The third-most planted wine grape in the world, merlot is popular both as a stand-alone varietal and as a blending grape. This grape is native to Bordeaux, France, but has been grown throughout warmer European areas for around 200 years. Now, merlot has made its way all over the world and is popular in the Americas, Southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. A relatively subtle grape with less tannin than the closely related cabernet sauvignon, wine made solely from merlot grapes tends to be fruity and smooth and usually won't hold up to many years of cellaring, reaching its peak after 5 to 15 years. Of course, there are some exceptional merlots that continue to mature for many decades.There are two main styles of best merlots in 2022: the Old World style— which makes use of earlier harvests in order to emphasize soft fruit flavors— and the New World. Old World wines are lower in alcohol than New World style merlots; New World merlot grapes are often left on the vines a little longer, giving them a chance to develop a more concentrated flavor and an increased sugar content. The extra sugar in the grapes does not lead to a sweet wine but is instead metabolized by the yeast in order to make a wine with a higher alcohol content preferred by many New World drinkers. These wines have jammier flavors with an emphasis on plum and blackberry, and more soft tannins that give them more body than their Old World counterparts.No matter what type of wine you prefer, we have done the research to come up with a comprehensive list of the best merlots of this year. They vary in region, flavors, and price, so you're bound to find something suitable for your taste and budget. Take a look at our favorites below.
    February 03, 2016
If you travel frequently, you know how challenging it can be to get some shut-eye on a long flight or road trip. A good travel pillow can make all the difference between arriving at your destination well-rested or feeling tired and sore. But, with so many travel pillow options available, what’s the best travel pillow on the market? That’s what we’re here to answer! We’ve put together a list of the best-rated pillows for your next travel adventures.Price legend:$: 0-25$$: 26-50$$$: 51-100Below, you’ll find our picks for the 5 best travel pillows of 2023. We made our selections based on the products’ price, portability, and level of support and comfort. See what each travel pillow has to offer!
April 21, 2023
Do you love collecting memories and revisiting them later on? If yes, then scrapbooking is a hobby that you must try out! Scrapbooking refers to the art of collecting, organizing, and presenting pictures, souvenirs, and cards in a scrapbook album. Scrapbooking can also be used for storytelling or as a personal journal. With countless different types of scrapbooks available in the market, choosing the right one for yourself can get confusing. To make the choice easier for you, we have reviewed the finest scrapbooks of 2022.
September 07, 2022
While walking your dog may just be fun exercise for you, for your dog, it’s their only way of experiencing the world. Given their enthusiasm to explore the outdoors, there won’t be a better time to channel your pet’s energy into improving their behavior.Dog training leashes are the only physical connection between you and your puppy on an outside stroll. A training leash clips around your dog’s collar or harness, offering them freedom, safety, and guidance, while keeping you in control. The addition of a training leash to your daily training sessions will ensure you can easily steer your pup in the right direction.Whether you simply need to keep your beloved canine friend close by on a neighborhood stroll, or want to manage your pup’s behavior, there’s a leash that will do the job. This article details the strongest dog training leashes of 2022.
August 26, 2022
Latest Reviews
  • Miniaturized train sets have remained a staple of every child toy set for generations, thanks to their exceptional versatility and pure fun. With the best electric train sets in 2022 are lightweight, more efficient than ever, and exceptionally interactive.When scouting for an electric train set, you want one with a beautiful design that closely mimics real trains, is lightweight, easy to set up, and boasts long battery life. We have compiled a list of best electric train sets in 2022 that check all these boxes and don’t cost a fortune.
    March 08, 2021
  • Art is a fantastic expression of ideas and personality, something all ages can enjoy. Whether for holiday crafts or detailed masterpieces, a set of quality acrylic paint markers helps you achieve superior color and detail in your project without the mess of paint jars and brushes. The following list of best acrylic markers in 2023 are excellent choices for their color variety, quick-drying ink, and ability to be used on most surfaces.
    March 05, 2021
  • Wet dog food is an excellent choice for most pups and adult dogs because it contains a lot more protein with fewer carbs, so it’s healthier. The best wet dog foods in 2022 are also deliciously-flavored, and because it’s soft it’s easier to chew, especially for mature dogs or small breeds. Moreover, top-notch food options don’t contain preservatives which are not just unhealthy for most dogs, they can also cause cancer.
    March 04, 2021
  • Tea comes in a wide range of varieties, and it may be impossible to try them all in one lifetime. With tea samplers, however, you can get to taste several types of tea and pick out which ones you prefer. Find your favorite blend and enjoy a cup of tea with our selection of the best tea samplers in 2022 below.
    March 04, 2021
  • Finding the best puppy foods in 2022 can be tricky because the food needs to provide all the nutrients, minerals, protein, and vitamins that a budding pup requires to grow. At the same time, the food kibbles must be small enough for a pup’s little jaws and teeth, and it must not contain harmful ingredients. Therefore, the best puppy food options are healthy, manageable, and delicious - perfect for your furry little companion.
    February 26, 2021
  • Has it been too long since you’ve gotten something nice for a friend? There doesn’t always have to be a special occasion, just as the gift doesn’t always have to be a big thing. Here are some of our best weird gifts in 2022 for any non-occasion.
    February 26, 2021
  • Kids can explore their imagination and create fantastic shapes with a set of play sand. These sets provide a hands-on experience that allows kids to develop motor skills and express their artistic side. Not only is play sand easy to clean, but it also never dries out. Here are some of the best play sand sets for kids in 2022 to consider for their colorful designs and inclusion of molds and toys.
    February 23, 2021
  • While family-friendly games have their perks, especially when trying to entertain the kids, these are not as likely to please a crowd of grown-ups. When the kids are tucked away, you might want to get something a bit more daring on the table – and this is exactly where a few of the best board games for adults in 2021 can save the night.With the board games we share in this list, you’ll be able to keep every adult at your gathering happy all night long.
    February 22, 2021
  • A pet is a part of your family, and it's important to keep them happy and healthy. You can do a lot of things to make your life easier, but one of the most important is to give them the right accessories to help them do their best. These accessories can help make them look and feel more like their human counterparts. Here are some best puppy accessories in 2022 you should consider buying.
    February 20, 2021
  • Inkbox is a relatively new company (founded in 2015) specializing in temporary tattoos. No, not the ones you spent a quarter on out of a gumball machine at your local grocery store. Inkbox tattoos are a premium temporary tattoo marketed towards an older crowd. Not only do they have thousands of designs to choose from, but they partner with artists to help support and promote their work as well. On top of that, you can create your own custom tattoos by using software on their website to upload your own image.
    October 21, 2020
  • This year has been an interesting roller-coaster ride, but that isn't going to stop people from having fun when it's possible. Not that we condone flouting lockdown and social distancing guidelines, but there's no doubt that people will want to enjoy the last little sliver of summer before the days shorten and the mercury plummets. Here are a few suggestions to get the most out of Labor Day weekend while staying safe and healthy.
    September 04, 2020
  • Hot sauce is a curious food staple - nearly everyone uses it, and there's an overwhelming selection available on the market. Even so, a handful of names dominate the segment, making it difficult for new brands to compete for attention.
    June 24, 2020
  • Despite all the challenges and craziness we've seen in 2020, students in the Class of 2020 will still be graduating. Though the circumstances and procedures surrounding graduation may be modified due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it's still an event that can be made even brighter with a gift or two. We've gathered some ideas based on feedback from grads.
    June 18, 2020
  • Fathers are an important figure in our lives, and we have a special day in June set aside to show our admiration. We came up with a few gift ideas ranging from leisure activities to thoughtful gadgets to celebrate Dads across the country.
    June 11, 2020
  • (Updated 5/4/2021) Cinco de Mayo is here once again! Despite how many of us may feel about 2020, we're all enjoying a new year with more things to look forward to. Here are some of our favorite Tequila picks for Cinco de Mayo!
    May 01, 2020
  • Mothers deserve appreciation every day, but we have just a single dedicated holiday to really show Mom how much we care. Our staff at Bestcovery came up with 7 simple gift ideas for 2021 to show Mom a token of our gratitude.
    May 01, 2020
  • Due to the risk of COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus, many schools and businesses have shut down. Other companies have instructed their employees to work from home at an unprecedented rate.
    March 18, 2020
  • Bringing home a new puppy can be exhilarating, but it can also be daunting at the same time. If you do not have a human child and the puppy is your first foray into parenthood, being prepared is half the battle. Who better to take advice from than someone who lived through it? My wife and I brought home a three-month-old Whoodle (Wheaten Terrier/Poodle mix) named Poppy. We do not have any kids, so this was the first time another life became dependent on us. Putting that into perspective, we were nervous, to say the least. When we picked her up, we had nothing but a blanket to wrap her in for the 2-hour drive home. I wish we had this article to reference beforehand. I'm going to break down what you need on the first day, and some additional niceties that can wait.
    October 10, 2019
  • With wedding season in full swing, you might come to realize that it can be challenging to find the right gift for the new couple. Perhaps you are looking for great items to add to your own registry as well. Thanks to Amazon, you can shop for virtually anything your heart desires. We have compiled a list of some great wedding gifts that include traditional, trending, and practical items for every bride and groom.
    October 10, 2019
  • Aquariums are no longer a basic little plastic or glass box to be forgotten about in the corner of a child’s room. The kits available nowadays come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Many look like works of art all on their own with sleek edges and modern colors. There are so many aquariums out there to choose from it’s usually best to first decide what fish you would like to house. There are desktop tanks that can range anywhere from 1 gallon to 20 gallons, and provide environments for Betta Fish, Goldfish, Guppies, Tetras, and more. There are also larger scale freshwater tanks that usually range anywhere from 10 gallons up to 60 gallons so that you can accommodate multiple species at once.  For those that are truly experienced and up to the challenge of maintenance, there are also saltwater tanks for more complex species such as coral.  Though you can find them as small as 6 gallons, most people prefer a saltwater setup to be a minimum of 20 gallons. Although the initial phase of choosing and setting up an aquarium can be overwhelming, the payoff is worth it. Having an aquatic environment either at home or at the office can be a stress reducer and provides a serene display for anyone in the room. Many are often surprised by the personalities their fish display and the bond they develop with them.For more information on what to look at in selecting the best aquarium in 2021, We have listed below the best aquarium available for you to help you decide what product is best to buy.
    February 03, 2016
  • Port is a style of fortified wine that hails from the Douro Valley in north Portugal. Though many New World countries now make Port-styled drinks, just as with Champagne, in order to be called Port with a capital P it technically needs to be produced in this tiny corner of the world.Made from red or white wine grapes, port starts out its life like any late-harvest wine. It's mashed and fermented in neutral steel or tangy oak until most of the sugars have been metabolized into alcohol. It's here that port journeys in a different direction however, because at some point in the middle of the fermentation process, it's fortified with hard liquor until it reaches an alcohol content that reaches between 19 and 23 percent. The addition of extra alcohol, which is usually a distilled grape spirit, stops the fermentation, keeping sugar content high and giving port its characteristically sweet taste. Since port has a higher alcohol content than wine, it will keep for around a month after you open a bottle.There are a number of different styles of port to choose from. Portos fortified wines that have not been barrel aged at all. Portos that that come from a single harvest will carry the vintage year and usually need to be aged for decades before they are ready to drink. Portos that are Non-Vintage are blended in such a way that they are ready to drink right away. There are also ruby ports, which have been aged in barrels for 1 to 3 years. Then there are the tawnies, which get their name from the tawny, or amber color that they fade to after 10, 20, 30, or even 40 years of aging. Both ruby and tawny ports are made to be enjoyed right away, since all the aging was done at the winery.For more information on what to look at in selecting the best port in 2022, We have listed below the ports available for you to help you decide what product is best to buy.
    February 03, 2016
  • The Great Outdoors is filled with scents, sights and sounds that dogs find irresistible. Why not let your dog get his fill of all this fun while lounging in the safety and comfort of a dog house? We've looked for plastic dog houses that are warm in winter and cool in summer and that offer options like doors, heaters, fans or other ventilation. Plastic dog houses are all easy to clean — at least on the outside — so we've looked for dog houses that are easy to clean on the inside as well. We've also looked for best dog houses in 2022 that are easy to assemble so you can spend more time playing with your dog than building his house.
    February 03, 2016
  • Champagne is the undisputed king of the sparkling wines. Vintners in Champagne, France have been perfecting the art of bottle fermentation for hundreds of years and though similarly styled wines are made all over the world, there isn't any sparkling wine that tops a really good Champagne.France has stringent regulations about what kind of grapes can be grown in what regions. In Champagne, there are three types of grapes that can be grown, Chardonnay, a white wine grape, and Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier, which are both red wine grapes. Blanc de Blanc Champagnes are always made from Chardonnay, while Blanc de Noirs are usually made from a majority of Pinot Noir that can be blended with the other two types of grapes.Once the grapes have been pressed and the wine fermented, it is bottled with some of the yeast. The yeast finishes turning sugar into alcohol while sealed in the bottle, releasing carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Since there's nowhere for the carbon dioxide to escape to from a sealed bottle, over time, the wine becomes carbonated.You'll notice the terms dry, extra-dry, or brut appear on each bottle of Champagne. These terms describe the amount of residual sugar in wine, with dry having the most sugar and brut the least. Occasionally, Champagnes may also be labeled extra brut and brut nature, which are drier than brut. Champagnes also have a year or the letters NV, printed on the bottle. NV stands for Non-Vintage, which means that the wine is blended from grapes harvested over a number of different years. While many NV Champagnes are very well made, NV Champagnes are not considered to be the highest quality. This means you can buy them for less than you'd spend on a vintage wine. If you're set on getting the best Champagne out there, make sure you buy a wine from a year when the harvest was excellent. 2004 was the best recent vintage in France. We've compiled the best champagnes in 2022.
    February 03, 2016
  • These wheeled duffels have the space capacity of a suitcase but are lighter and easier to carry thanks to a retractable handle and carry handles. There is space to organize your stuff and keep clothing separate from other gear. The list of the best duffel bags in 2022 also fall under 200 dollars, to keep your wallet heavy and your load gliding along in your new duffel.
    February 03, 2016
  • There is nothing like being the talk of the office. And what better way to turn heads then to carry a stylish new leather briefcase to your next meeting. Not only are leather briefcases durable, they exude classic, contemporary style. The best briefcase for today's busy professional will be large enough to carry the average sized laptop, durable enough to withstand frequent use, and have the compartments to transport the items needed most. Although these are the most important features to look for, you should also consider the durability of the buckles and clasps that will secure your valuables and the handles and straps you will use to carry the briefcase. If you are looking for the best leather briefcase, then prepare to spend a pretty penny. Leather has never been considered a cheap material. However, the list of the best briefcases in 2022 made the cut due to their quality and durability. So, you will never regret the investment made.
    February 02, 2016
  • From colored pencils to graphite pencils, today’s artist has so many options to choose from— and the selection process can be intimidating! Whether you like to work with vivid colors, subtle tones, or austere black-and-white shading, the perfect art pencil with smooth, high-quality pigments is waiting for you here. Regardless of if you’re working in color, drawing in grayscale with 20 distinct shades, or mixing in a painting look with watercolor pencils, this list of the best art pencils of 2022 will help you find the perfect medium for your next project. Be sure to check out our buyer’s guide as well to learn more about the different types of best art pencils available and their specific attributes.
    February 02, 2016
  • Are you trying out watercolor painting, pen-and-ink sketches, or even a new origami fold? Whatever the project, every medium requires a unique paper which meets a specific set of standards and attributes. The best art papers in 2022 listed here will make it easy for you to find what’s best suited for your next creative project, whether it’s a charcoal sketch or a page to add to your beloved scrapbook. Be sure to check out our buyer's guide as well to find out more about the different types of papers available and some key terms every artist should be familiar with.
    February 02, 2016
  • Whether you need cotton yarn for crocheting dishcloths or faux fur for knitting fashionable scarves, there’s a variety of yarn types available to match your needs. Synthetic yarns, such as acrylic are usually slightly elastic which make them ideal for beginners. Many synthetics are also available as basic worsted-weight yarns, which are suitable for most types of knitting or crochet projects. More expensive wool and cotton blends tend to be a little trickier to use, while specialty yarns like boucle yarn have their own unique challenges. Still, the extra flair makes these specialty yarns highly popular. Whether you’re looking the best yarn in 2022 for a project, or just looking for something new to try, the different types of yarn here offer you some great options. If terms like “worsted weight” or “boucle” have you shaking your head in confusion, check out our helpful buyer’s guide below.
    February 02, 2016
  • If you are a frequent flyer, then you probably know that having a great carry-on tote is critical to having access to the items you need most when flying.  Odds are, when you hear the word tote, you get an image of a women’s handbag or large purse.  However, there is a growing trend of unisex tote bags that fall within the luggage family.  These bags are designed with travel in mind.  So they are often larger, more durable, and more expensive than the tote bags that you usually see in department stores.  When you are looking for a great carry on tote, size is important, as well as overall design, durability, and multiple compartments.  You should know that a great carry on tote will not be cheap; but, it will make your travel life much easier. Check out our list of the best totes in 2022.
    February 02, 2016
  • Garment bags don't have to weigh you down to be effective. While some people equate heavy leather or polyester with quality, that doesn't have to be the case. In today's market, thin nylon or fabric garment bags do a fine job of protecting suits and other fine clothes from wrinkling, and they don't cost nearly as much. These lightweight pieces of luggage have come a long way from the glorified dry-cleaning bags of the past. Most good, lightweight garment bags are just as durable as regular luggage but easier to handle. The best garment bags in 2022 below have been chosen for their balance of price, practicality, and quality.
    February 01, 2016